Ready, Set, Go
My First Blog Post
Bonjour tout le monde, et bienvenue! Hello everyone, and welcome! So I've finally decided to take the plunge. Today is my first official blog post.
The truth is, I should have done this a long, long time ago. 'What was the hold up' you ask? The answer: Me. It was me. I was afraid of ...something - anything - everything - and nothing. "Who's going to read it?' I'd ask, followed by:
• What will I write about?
• Will I be misunderstood?
• What about all those folks who are much better at this than me?
• Will I keep it up?
Change Gives Birth to Courage
Then two life-changing things happened:
1) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am happy to report that she is now cancer-free. (Yay!) But talk about something to fear! Although I'm sure she had many a disquieting thought, Mama never broke. In fact, she shaved all her hair off, before the cancer drugs had a chance to take it from her. She's a real-life Steel Magnolia. "Nothing beats a failure but a try" she always says. You know what? She's right.
2) I matured. There's a funny thing that occurs when one matures; a strange, gratifying, liberating sensation that wells up from within and whispers "Whooo Cares?" This doesn't come from a place of callousness, or brazen disregard for the feelings others. In fact, it is deeply respectful, almost reverential. It's something that gives one permission to proceed with a worthwhile goal, without seeking the “approval” of others first. I'm not exactly sure at what point all of that actually occurred, but I know that I'm ready. I'm here. So let's go.
“Nothing beats a failure but a try”
This blog will be all about my décor challenges. I may even include some failures. I'll write about small space living, organization, entertainment, and of course there will be plenty of do-it-yourself projects. Do you have an idea or question you'd like me to look into? Shoot me an email. Stay tuned, there's more to come.