How to Plan a Successful Room Refresh in the Middle of Global Pandemic
The importance of the planning process for room refreshes and full space makeovers can sometimes be sorely underestimated. Many of today’s popular tv makeover shows either sharply condense or even eliminate the step altogether. The truth is that many space projects— even ones for the One Room Challenge—remain in the drafting stage for months prior to even getting started.
Welcome to Week 2 of the One Room Challenge: An 8-week, self-imposed challenge to makeover any space of your choice in 8 weeks or less. If you’re just joining me, you can find all the details on thespace I’ll be working on below:
Week 1: Small Living Room Makeover: The Challenges // Week 2: Mood Board and Floor Plan // Week 3: Lighting Design Plan // Week 4: Wall moldings // Week 5: DiY Fireplace plans // Week 6: Ceiling Decoration // Week 7: Awkward Alcove Dilemma // Week 8: Small Living Room Makeover REVEAL
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When a Global Pandemic Informs Your Room Makeover Plans
The current pandemic has created a domino effect of problems including:
Shipping delays
Out of stock items
Shortage of contractors of nearly every specialty
Successful implementation of any home renovation goals will depend heavily on meticulous planning, and lots of flexibility. Which that in mind, there are a few things I did to ease the stress of uncertainty during this time-sensitive event.
1. Determine the Full Use of the Project Space
For this 8-week challenge will be working with a real client. Among the first questions I needed to ask were: What types of things will you be doing in this space? Who else needs to use it and for what reason? What do you hate about the space? What do you love about it? What challenges in the space will need to be overcome?
2. Look for Inspiration
Gather a few creative ideas based on your needs for the space. Ideas can range from an item of clothing that inspires you, to a piece of trim tape, to the architecture of a building. Anything that sparks creativity or an idea for a color palette is helpful. This step will also help you discover your decorating style. After several drafts, the client and I narrow down her choices to the key pieces below. Of course there are other elements that have been omitted from the mood board. I don’t want to spoil the reveal by showing you too much.
3. Set an Amount for Your Investment Dollars
Many people run into trouble when they skip this step. Determining how much of your funds you will dedicate to your home makeover project will inform what you are able to do next. Keep in mind also that scope creep is real. For that reason I recommend adding a 20% contingency to your budget.
4. Measure Your Space and Create a Floor Plan
Even if your makeover is not a full gut renovation it’s wise to take proper measurements of every inch. Some regularly stocked furnishing and building materials have been hard to find since the start of the pandemic. Having accurate measurements will allow you to pivot easily when (not if) an item needs to swapped out for a different choice.
NOTE: Be sure to mark the location of all outlets
5. Map Out a Rough Timeline
Often times when a home project has not been completed, it’s because a timeline was never set in the beginning. A timeline helps to keep everyone on track. it helps you to see where you’re falling behind so that your can make adjustments.
6. Begin Sourcing Items for Your Space
This is perhaps the most time consuming part of the planning process. Armed with a reasonable budget, accurate measurements, and a floor plan, it’s time to begin sourcing items for your space. Be sure to check the following for every item selected:
Check the measurements
Verify the color
Keep a running total (either in an Excel sheet or by hand) of every item added to your list of purchases. Check it often to ensure that you’re still within budget
Confirm availability of each item
Pay close attention to delivery times
If you will be hiring some of the work out, be sure to order everything needed to complete the job first. It will save you time and money.
“NOTE: If you need to reschedule a contractor because you were not prepared for his/her visit, then be prepared to wait a loooong time before s/he returns. That’s just how it works. Don’t waste time arguing about it. Just do yourself a favor and be prepared. ”
7. Get on the Radar of Your Tradespersons Immediately and Be Prepared to Meet Them Halfway
Many contractors are swamped right now due to the surge of interest in improving the quality of life at home due to the pandemic. But some contractors will take a quick break from a larger job to knock out a few easy small jobs— IF the homeowner is well organized. Got a tile job you want completed? Make sure you have the grout, tile, spacers and anything else that will help the tradesperson get started without any hiccups.
NOTE: If you need to reschedule a contractor because you were not prepared for his/her visit, then be prepared to wait a loooong time before s/he returns. That’s just how it works. Don’t argue the point. Just do yourself a favor and be prepared.
Trust me when I say, it all looks clear and easy on paper. But there are a lot of moving parts to the planning process. Still, having a strategic plan is way better than flying blind any day.